Lujza Tari

Lujza Tari

Folk Music Department

Hungarian Folk Music, Music Notation, Music of Neighbouring and Related Ethnic Groups


Born: 1948, Pásztó 

Academic degree, university position: CSc, external lecturer (associate professor) 

Subjects: Music of the Carpathian Basin, Notation, Techniques and Methods of Ethnomusicology, General Folk Music 


1970-1972: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music 

Teaching activities:

1974-79; 1993-1998: Béla Bartók Secondary School of Music (general folk music)
1978-79, 1996-97, 2005-2006: leader of the intermediate training program for qualified folk musicians; 2005: manager of the further training and accreditation course for secondary school teachers of folk music
1999, 2003: elaborated the requirements and topics for the secondary school final examination in folk music
1988, 1990, 1991: lectures and special courses on various ethnomusicological topics at the Department of Folklore Studies of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest
1980-1990: lectures on folk music instruments and instrumental folk music at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Since the second semester of 2003: courses in general folk music for the students of all departments
2005-2006: verbunkos and folk music notations – lectures and special courses at the Department of Musicology
2003-2010: founder and director of the annual “Art Music-Folk Music” concert series
2005-2012 lectures in English for international students
2007: one of the founders of the Folk Music Department at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music

Doctoral school:

Founding member of the Doctoral School of Hungarian and Comparative Folkloristics at the Department of Folklore Studies of ELTE

Regular consultant, supervisor and opposer of theses in folk music and ethnography 

Invited lecturer:

Lectures given in English and German on various topics at the Music Departments of foreign universities: 1972: Switzerland, 1976, 2002, 2012: Austria, 1984: Germany, 1998: USA/Missouri

Other educational activities: lecturer at further training courses in music education; jury member and advisor at national competitions in folk music and solfege-music theory-folk music


Major fields of research:

1970-72: During her studies at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, she worked as a contributor at the Folk Music Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; from 1972 she continued to work as an ethnomusicologist at the same institute (from 1974 Institute for Musicology of HAS Budapest); and from 1994 as a senior research fellow.

1988-1996: Academic Secretary of the Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1992-2003: author of several entries in the Hungarian Comprehensive Encyclopedia

Major topics:

folk and traditional music and musical instruments, interethnic relations in Europe, the connection between the history of music and art music, history of science and research, the 19th century (popular songs and popular poetry, the written and verbal sources of the  Verbunkos, Gypsy music, collections of music manuscripts).

Since the late 1960s, she has carried out fieldwork in several villages and towns in Hungary, as well as among the Hungarian, German, Ruthenian, Romanian and Gypsy minorities. Besides European countries, she has also collected folk music in Armenia.

She is a regular participant in and organizer of national and international conferences.

She has published and edited several books, albums and CDs both in Hungary and abroad; she is the author of more than 100 studies in Hungarian and other languages.

She is also active in public life through radio and television programs (e.g. she had more than 700 shows in the Hungarian Radio since 1969).



Since 1988: member of the International Council for Traditional Music, and the research fellow of its various committees; 1997-2007: President of the Council’s Hungarian National Committee

Since 1985: member of the Musicology Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; between 1980-85 and 2000-2006: Secretary of the Musicology Committee.

Since 1994: member of the public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Since 2007 and 2014: editorial board member of international journals in ethnomusicology 

Awards and honors:

2005: Vörösmarty medallion
2003: ‘For Pásztó’ medallion
2007: Honorary citizen of the town of Pásztó
2010: Honorary citizen of the County of Nógrád
2013: Bence Szabolcsi Musicological Award


Major publications:


1977 Jenő Takács. Dokumente, Analyse, Kommentare in Zusammenarbeit mit Lujza Tari verfaßt von Wolfgang Suppan. Eisenstadt (Burgenlandische Forschungen, Heft 66.)

1988a Dalfüzér 1844. Tompa Mihály kéziratos, kottás népdalgyűjteménye (A Set of Songs, 1844. Mihály Tompa’s Manuscript of Notated Folk Songs). Preparation for facsimile edition and studies by Péter Pogány and Lujza Tari. Miskolc: Herman Ottó Múzeum

1988b: Júlia Szegő: Ismeretlen moldvai nótafák (Unknown Folk Singers from Moldva). Selected, edited, commented and published by Lujza Tari. Peer review and introduction by Benjamin Rajeczky. Európa Kiadó. Budapest

1989: „Weiner Leó művészete a népzenei források tükrében” (The Art of Leó Weiner in the Context of Folk Music Sources). In: Weiner tanulmányok (Studies on Weiner). A Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Főiskola évkönyve 2. Budapest: Liszt F. Zeneművészeti Főiskola (pp. 59-227.)

1990: Lisznyay Julianna hangszeres gyűjteménye 1800 (Instrumental Music Collection of Julianna Lisznyai, 1800). In:  Műhelytanulmányok a magyar zenetörténethez 12. MTA ZTI Budapest

1994 Perspektiven der Musikethnologie. Dokumentationstechniken und interkulturelle Beziehungen. Herausgegeben von Bruno B. Reuer und Lujza Tari. München: Verlag Südostdeutsches Kulturwerk.

1998a: „Különbféle magyar Nóták...” a 19. század elejéről. – Allerlei ungarische Melodien vom Beginn des 19. Jahhunderts. Budapest: Balassi Kiadó

1998b: Magyarország nagy vitézség - A szabadságharc emlékezete a nép dalaiban (Great Hungarian Virtue - Folk Songs from the War of Independence [1848–49]). Budapest: Magyar Néprajzi Társaság  

1999 Musik im Umbruch. Kulturelle Identität und gesellschaftliche Wandel in Südosteuropa, Herausgeber Bruno B. Reuer in Zusammenarbeit mit Lujza Tari und Krista Zach. Verlag Südostdeutsches Kulturwerk. München.

2001: Kodály Zoltán, a hangszeres népzene kutatója (Zoltán Kodály – Researcher of Instrumental Folk Music). Budapest: Balassi Kiadó

2004a Vereintes Europa – Vereinte Musik? Vielfalt und soziale Dimensionen in Mittel- und Südosteuropa. United Europe – United Music? Diversity and Dimensions in Central and Southeastern Europe. Hrg./Ed. Bruno B. Reuer in Zusammenarbeit mit Svanibor Pettan und Lujza Tari. Berlin: Weidler Buchverlag.

2004 A kolonyi templom előtt. Válogatás Ürge Mária népzenegyűjtéséből (In front of the Church of Kolony – Selection from the Folk Music Collection of Mária Ürge). Selected, edited and commented by Lujza Tari. Dunaszerdahely: Gyurcsó István Alapítvány könyvek 32.

2005: A Nemzeti Zenede (The National Music Conservatory). Ed. Lujza Tari, Márta Sz. Farkas. Budapest: Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem Budapesti Tanárképző Intézete, 2005. (379. p.) (Authors: Lujza Tari – Mónika Iványi Papp – Márta Sz. Farkas – Emőke Solymosi Tari – Mrs. Klára Gulyás Somogyi)

2006 Korniss Péter: Betlehemes (Nativity Plays). Introduction by Ervin Lázár, afterword by Lujza Tari. Budapest: Helikon.

2007: Pásztó zenei emlékei (Musical Relics of Pásztó). Editor, author of several chapters, preparation of source edition: Lujza Tari. Pásztó: Pásztó Város Önkormányzata.

2008: Rajeczky Benjamin (Benjamin Rajeczky). In: Nógrád a varázslatos világ 4. Salgótarján: Nógrád Megye Önkormányzata.

2010: Szlovákiai magyar népzene. Válogatás Tari Lujza népzenegyűjtéséből (1983-2006) (Folk Music of Hungarians in Slovakia. Selection from Lujza Tari’s Folk Music Collection, 1983-2006). (Edited book and audio publication – 2 CDs) In: Gyurcsó István Alapítvány könyvek 49. Dunaszerdahely: Csemadok Dunaszerdahelyi Művelődési Intézete

2011: Bartók Béla hangszeres magyar népzenegyűjtése (Béla Bartók’s Collection of Instrumental Hungarian Folk Music). In: Gyurcsó István Alapítvány könyvek 52. Dunaszerdahely: Csemadok Művelődési Intézete

Edited albums:

1983 Magyar Népzene Kodály Zoltán fonográffelvételeiből (Hungarian Folk Music from Zoltán Kodály’s Phonograph Recordings). Hungaroton LPX 18075-76

1992 Lajtha László népzenegyűjtéséből, balassagyarmati és soproni zenekar (From László Lajta’s Folk Music Collection – Folk Orchestras of Balassagyarmat and Sopron). Hungaroton MK 18206.

2001 From the Instrumental Folk Collection of Lajtha - Two Folk Orchestras – Lajtha hangszeres népzenegyűjtéséből Balassagyarmati és soproni (népi) zenekar. Hungaroton Classic 2001 HCD 18206

2002 Hungarian Folk Music Collected by Zoltán Kodály Phonograph Cylinders. (Enlarged CD edition of the 1982 album) Hungaroton Classic HCD 18254-55

2007a „Pásztó fëlëtt kerek az ég allya”. Pásztó népzenei emlékei (Round is the bottom of the sky over Pásztó – Folk Music Relics of Pásztó). Kiadja Pásztó Város Önkormányzata, Pásztó 2007. AEA 52004 (1 CD)

2007b Death is the Reaper over the world – Kaszás e földön a halál. Hungarian funeral music Pan 21 06/07 In: Ethnic series, Pan Records, Holland (2 CDs)

2010 Szlovákiai magyar népzene. Válogatás Tari Lujza népzenegyűjtéséből (1983-2006) (Folk Music of Hungarians in Slovakia. Selection from Lujza Tari’s Folk Music Collection, 1983-2006). In: Gyurcsó István Alapítvány könyvek 49. Dunaszerdahely: Csemadok Dunaszerdahelyi Művelődési Intézete (2 CDs)

1986 Magyar Népzenei Antológia II. Észak. (Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music II. North). Edited by Lujza Tari and László Vikár. Hungaroton, LPX 18124-128.

2011 Walzenaufnahmen aus Südosteuropa /Wax Cylinder recordings from Southeast Europe G. Küppers-Sonnenberg 1935-1939. Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv Historische Klangdokumente/Historical Sound Documents. Herausgeber der Reihe Lars Christian Koch & Susanne Ziegler BPhA-WA-7, Ethnologisches Museum Staatliches Museun Berlin – Preußische Kulturbesitz (See Lujza Tari: Gustav Küppers-Sonnenberg Tonaufnahmen in Ungarn/Gustav Küppers-Sonnenberg Recordings in Hungary. Supplementary booklet pp. 22-27, 74-78, 102-103)


2000 A szabadságharc népzenei emlékei (The Folk Music Heritage of the War of Independence, 1848-1849) (CD-ROM) MTA ZTI. Budapest

2006 Bukovinai székely betlehemesek (Nativity Plays of the Szeklers from Bukovina) (CD-ROM) Budapest: Arcanum-Európai Folklór Intézet-MTA ZTI


2012 Magyar Népzenei Antológia. Digitális összkiadás. – Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music Complete Digital Edition. MTA BTK Folk Európa Kiadó. (See Lujza Tari: A bartóki II. dialektusterület/ Bartók’s II. dialectal region. Booklet pp. 15- 17, 53-56)

Online publication:

Lujza Tari: A szabadságharc népzenei emlékei (The Folk Music Heritage of the War of Independence, 1848-1849).

For a more detailed list of her further works (studies, reviews and other publications), see the Database of Hungarian Scientific Works (MTMT) on the homepage of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: