...a country (Hungary) whose population, even today, is barely over ten million has produced so many musicians and so much outstanding music. I am grateful for having been born and trained there.

Sir Georg Solti
Composers’ Forum – Lecture by Ketty Nez

3 December 2021, 18.00-19.30

György Ligeti building, Room 022

Composers’ Forum – Lecture by Ketty Nez Presented by Liszt Academy

Streamed only

The next guest of the Composers’ Forum will be composer and pianist Ketty Nez, faculty at Boston University, currently guest teaching at the Liszt Academy as a Fulbright scholar.

Her compositional endeavors include the use of Balkan and Central European folk sources, and computer algorithms. CD publications include double images (2020, Albany), four scenes for Juliet (2019, Summit), her piano concerto thresholds (2013, Ravello), and Listen to a Wonder Never Heard Before! (2010, Albany). Her folk opera, The Fiddler and the Old Woman of Rumelia, was staged in 2012 by the Juventas New Music Ensemble. In the summer of 2022, she will guest teach at the Aichi University of the Arts, in Nagoya, Japan.


The lecture will be broadcast online HERE (Meeting ID: 945 6157 8433, Passcode: 399117).

Presented by

Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Composition Department


Admission is free, subjected to the capacity of the room.