24 February 2022, 19.30-22.00
Grand Hall
Workshops at the Liszt Academy
Organ and sacredness on the turn of the century
Presented by Liszt Academy
Concert of the Church Music Department
Dohnányi: Fantasy for Organ in C minor
J.S. Bach: Nun lob’ mein’ Seel’, den Herren – korálfeldolgozás, BWV 390
Guilmant: Chorals et noëls pour orgue, Op. 93 – 3. Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
Liszt: Sposalizio–Trauung nach dem gleichnamigen Bilde Raphael’s (Ave Maria III.) Missus est angelus – gregorián-négyszólamú evangélium
Guilmant: Chorals et noëls pour orgue, Op. 93 – 4. Noël alsacien Puer natus est – gregorián, tropussal
Reger: Introduction and Passacaglia in D minor, WoO IV/6
Vierne: Fantáziadarabok, 4. szvit, Op. 55 – 3. Katedrálisok
Dvořák: Biblical Songs, Op. 99 –. God is my shepherd/Psalm 23; 8. Turn Thee to me and have mercy/Psalm 25; 9. I will lift my eyes up to the mountains/Pslam 121(Péter Tornyai hangszerelése)
Tournemire: L’Orgue mystique, Op. 57 –7. Offertoire de Cycle après Pentecôte Sacerdotes Domini – gregorián offertórium
Sjögren: Prelude and Fugue in A minor, Op. 49
Reger: Choralkantaten, WoO V/4 – 5. Auferstanden, auferstanden
Featuring: Judit Rajk, László Oszaczki, Benedek Héja, Gábor Máté, Zoltán Mizsei (vocals), Márton Barna, Tamás Bódiss, Pál Enyedi, Márton Levente Horváth, Benedek Kis, László Oszaczki, Ferenc Péterfay, Dóra Pétery (organ)
Choir of the Church Music Department and the Schola Academica (artistic directors: György Merczel and Zoltán Mizsei, Benedek Héja), MilleniArt Ensemble (artistic director: Eszter Király)
The concert by the Church Music Department selects from works on the Eucharist, the Sacrament of the Altar. The programme first features melodies from Maundy Thursday liturgical music celebrating the Last Supper, the foundation of the Eucharist, from Gregorian chants of the service and their medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and Romantic polyphonic arrangements to organ works that set the propositions of the celebration to music, not forgetting the songs of the sacrament and organ works of the Protestant Church. St. Thomas Aquinas compiled texts of the psalms and mass of Corpus Christi, which is why the liturgical texts are counterpointed by the beautiful verses on the Sacrament of the Altar: the ‘Lauda Sion’ sequence, the ‘Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium’ hymn and the song beginning ‘Adoro te devote’ glorifying the sacred body of Christ. Of the poems on the Eucharist, the so-called sacred songs beginning ‘Ave verum Corpus’ and ‘Ecce panis angelorum’ were very popular in all ages, thus the audience can also enjoy a few attractive arrangements of these. The programme is rounded out with processional songs, archaic village prayers and folk songs.
Presented by
Liszt Academy Concert Centre
Free tickets can be claimed at the Ticket Office of the Liszt Academy one month before the concert.
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