Jeney 70

2013. október 25. 19.30-22.00

Jeney 70 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja


Kyrie for Choir and Strings

J. S. Bach
Fürchte dich nicht (BWV 228)

Zoltán Jeney

Zoltán Jeney

Zoltán Jeney

Zoltán Jeney
Funeral Rite – Part 4

-;-Featuring: Emőke Baráth (soprano); Zoltán Megyesi (tenor)

Amadinda Percussion Group, Hungarian Radio Choir (Gábor Oláh – Acting Choir Master), Hungarian Radio Sypmhony Orchestra

Zoltán Kocsis, Salamon Kamp (conductor)
Zoltán Jeney is truly a pioneer and doyen of the avant-garde of Hungarian contemporary music. He is associated with the formation of the most original workshop of the 1970s and 80s, New Music Studio, which cherished a dual mission: to acquaint the domestic audience with the latest trends in music of the West (the radicalism of Cage or the post-serialism of Boulez and Stockhausen), and to experiment on a new type of aesthetic. Besides this, whole generations of artists have learnt from Jeney, because he was head of the Department of Composition of the Liszt Academy for 16 years from 1995. This birthday gala concert includes compositions from his guiding spiritual master, Bach, as well as his most influential teacher, Goffredo Petrassi, in addition to Part 4 of what is generally considered his principal work, Funeral Rite, performed under the baton of perhaps the most accomplished interpreter of the Jeney oeuvre, Zoltán Kocsis.


HUF 3.500, 2.800, 2.000, 1.500