Kodály 131

2013. december 15. 18.00-21.00

Kodály 131 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Choral Works of Zoltán Kodály

-;-Featuring: Ildikó Jakab, Klára Kolonits (soprano), Eszter Balogh (alto), István Horváth (tenor), István Kovács (bass), Pécs Chamber Choir, Cantate Mixed Choir, Bartók Béla Female Choir Szeged, Bárdos Lajos Girls Choir Debrecen, Bartók Béla Male Choir, Liszt Academy Symphony Orchestra

Aurél Tillai, Ferenc Sapszon, Péter Ordasi, Tamás Lakner, Péter Erdei (conductors)
There is no shadow of doubt that Zoltán Kodály was a Hungarian composer, musicologist and influential public figure of defining significance in the 20th century. He was awarded a diploma in music composition from the Liszt Academy, in 1919 he took up the post of deputy director of the same institution, and he continued teaching folk music even after going into retirement. During the evening’s performance, which showcases some of the most outstanding, truly brilliant companies picked from a domestic choral scene that exhibits standards that are legendary in themselves, the audience is gifted with several of the nearly 150 a cappella choral works he wrote. One of the highlights of the programme is the masterfully structured Te Deum, in which Gregorian, Baroque and Renaissance stylistic motifs are mixed with characteristically Hungarian ‘recruitment’ elements. The event has been timed to pay tribute to the epoch-making master and honorary president of the Liszt Academy on the eve of the 131st anniversary of his birth.


HUF 3.200, 2.100, 1.300