The Soldier’s Tale

2014. január 26. 19.00-22.00

Solti terem

Opera Exam Festival

The Soldier’s Tale A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Zagreb Academy of Music

A katona története

-;-Narrátor: Filip Riđički

Katona: Nikola Baće

Ördög: Dajana Čuljak

Hercegnő: Milica Manojlović

Közreműködnek: Đana Kahriman (hegedű); Ivan Domović (nagybőgő); Dunja Paprić (klarinét); Žarko Perišić (fagott); Mario Lončar (trombita); Ivan Mučić (harsona); Boris Žuvela (ütőhangszerek)

Vezényel: Mladen Tarbuk

Rendező: Borna Baletić

Produkciós menedzser: Ana Sikavica, Dora Prpić

Marketing: Mario Gigović

Színpadi mozgás: Pravdan Devlahović

Dramaturg: Ivan Penović

Jelmez: Selena Gazda

Fény: Vesna Kolarec, Dubravka Kurobasa

Látvány: Nives Vuglec, Jelena Lovrec

A Zágrábi Szépművészeti Akadémia tanácsadója: Robert Šimrak

A Zágrábi Zeneakaédmia tanácsadója: Goran Merčep
This joint production of Zagreb’s Academy of Dramatic Art, Academy of Fine Arts and the Music Academy comes to the Opera Exam Festival organized by the Budapest Liszt Academy. Stravinsky’s classic set in the First World War, The Soldier’s Tale, is a true cross-arts production, here performed by artists from Zagreb. It tells the tale of the soldier who sells his soul to the devil. The performance raises questions as to what counts as success in today’s society, about whether our goals are achievable, and whether we are able to conquer our own ambitions. Virtuoso acting is allied to the virtuoso playing of some extremely testing instrumental parts, in order to truly bring to life this thought-provoking and entertaining Faustian story.


Free tickets for the concert can be obtained from the ticket office of the Liszt Academy.