MÁV Symphony Orchestra

2014. január 31. 19.00-22.00

MÁV Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Trisztán és Izolda – Előjáték és Izolda szerelmi halála

I. (D-dúr) szimfónia („Titán”)

-;-Vezényel: Csaba Péter
Born in Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár), Péter Csaba is a familiar figure in Swedish and French musical life, and has also conducted the MÁV Symphony Orchestra for more than a year. This time he evokes the characteristic music of high Romanticism with two of the most important parts of the Wagner epic Tristan and Isolde, which with its opening chords came to define an entire era. In the second half of the concert, the first symphony of perhaps the most significant conductor of Wagner’s works of all time is performed. This masterpiece by the youthful Gustav Mahler – the premiere of which was staged in the Vigadó Theatre, Budapest, in 1889 – sums up the entire Mahler oeuvre: the nature music of the first movement, the rustic-intellectual dance of the second, and the slow, corrosive irony and klezmer keynotes in the Wagnerian closing movement are all reflected in numerous later pieces by Mahler.


HUF 4.000, 3.500, 3.000