Poros Ensemble

2014. február 1. 19.00-22.00


Acoustic, Authentic

Poros Ensemble A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Music, Family – a Revival Musicians’ Dynasty

-;-Porteleki László (hegedű); Porteleki Áron (brácsa); Szabó Csobán Gergő (bőgő)
Forty years after the start of the dance house movement we can state without fear of contradiction that the concept of revival spanning generations is viable and more than a match for passing fads. The Poros Orchestra is an excellent example, where two generations of a family take their first steps on the thorny path of founding a musicians’ dynasty. We know the orchestra’s leader László Porteleki from Muzsikás Ensemble; he has been a member of one of Hungary’s most popular and internationally recognized formations for 15 years, while the second generation is represented by Áron, László’s son. The Poros Orchestra debuted in 2009, and the title of their club (Let’s Start Again) sums up their ars poetica. The 40-year-old dance house movement and rediscovered folk dance generated so many new directions that perhaps it is time to look again at the original objectives. What will this evening bring? Authentic folk music in the footsteps of old musicians’ dynasties.


HUF 1.900