Beyond Music...

2014. február 4. 19.30-22.00

Beyond Music... A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Tamás Vásáry Musical Conversations IV/3

Antonín Dvořák

-;-Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio

Lecturer, conductor and piano accompaniment: Tamás Vásáry
His father was both butcher and innkeeper (just like Petőfi’s father), but by his fiftieth birthday Antonín Dvořák himself had become a true music celebrity able to write proudly that: “The Americans expect great things of me. I am to show them the way into the Promised Land, the realm of a new, independent art, in short a national style of music! ” The composer who successfully transplanted Slav melodies, the sense of Czech forests and meadows into the New World will be the third hero and subject of Tamás Vásáry’s Musical Conversation. Tamás Vásáry, who always approaches works with the power of personality, subjectivity and at the same time profound knowledge, leads us into a world of music close to his and his audience’s heart. What’s more, we glimpse the likeable chap behind the great works, a person who was not only epoch-making in his own right but was also infatuated with locomotives throughout his life.


HUF 3500, 2800, 2000, 1500
Student and concession tickets: HUF 2500, 2000, 1400, 1000