Mozart Late Night

2014. február 16. 22.00-23.59

Solti terem

Mozart Late Night A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Mozart Show in one for over 18-year-olds

A színigazgató (K. 486)

Hat notturno (K. 346, 436–439, 549)

-;-Magyar szöveg: Litkai Gergely

Díszlet és jelmez: Menzel Róbert

Rendező: Szarka János

Karmester: Oberfrank Péter

Madame Herz: Sáfár Orsolya

Madamoiselle Silberklang: Puja Andrea

Monsieur Vogelsang: Mukk József

Buff színész: Palerdi András

Szoprán: Sáfár Orsolya

Szoprán: Puja Andrea

Basszus: Palerdi András
Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard called Mozart the composer of sensous-erotic genius, and although he used the expression in relation to Don Giovanni, the term is valid for his entire oeuvre. A few lesser-known Mozart compositions come together in a joint production by the Hungarian State Opera and the Liszt Academy Concert Centre to form a titillating entity on the stage. The opera The Impresario caricatures competing female singers, while the vocal nocturnes represents the hallmark genre of lovers who discover each other under the protective guise of night. The late night performance is for adults only, as the creators fully reveal the wealth of sensuality implied in the music of Mozart.


HUF 4 200, 2 800