Alexander Markov and the MÁV Symphony Orchestra

2014. február 28. 19.00-22.00

Alexander Markov and the MÁV Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

A déli boszorkány, op. 108

D-dúr hegedűverseny, op. 6

III. (a-moll) szimfónia, op. 56 („Skót”)

-;-Közreműködik: Alexander Markov (hegedű)

Vezényel: Csaba Péter
Famous American violinist virtuoso of Russian extraction Alexander Markov is again appearing in Budapest as soloist with the MÁV Symphony Orchestra. Yehudi Menuhin drew the attention of the world to him with these words: “He is without doubt one of the most brilliant and musical of violinists…Alexander Markov will certainly leave his mark on the music-lovers of the world and in the annals of the violin virtuosi of our day.” Menuhin’s prophesy was correct. In his music documentary ‘The Art of the Violin’ Bruno Monsaingeon illustrated Paganini’s breathtaking Capriccio with the artistry of Markov. As to exactly what constitutes the devilish virtuosity of Paganini, how can the artist cope with the unbelievable technical intricacies, whether the struggle with notes is capable of becoming music – well, his performance of the violin concerto will provide all the answers. The piece is framed by Dvořák’s beautiful symphonic ballad rich in sombre colours and the no less ballad-like Mendelssohn symphony.


HUF 4.000, 3.500, 3.000