Budafok Dohnányi Orchestra

2014. március 2. 11.00-13.00

Budafok Dohnányi Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Death and Transfiguration

Egy német requiem, op. 45

-;-Közreműködik: Csereklyei Andrea (szoprán), Szegedi Csaba (bariton)

Budapesti Akadémiai Kórustársaság (karigazgató: Balassa Ildikó), Nyíregyházi Cantemus Vegyeskar (karigazgató: Szabó Soma)

Előad és vezényel: Hollerung Gábor
‘Understandable Music’ – this is the title chosen for the popular series run by the Budafok Dohnányi Orchestra and Gábor Hollerung, in which a key work from the classical canon is presented in a highly digestible form for young and old (and, indeed, middle-aged) alike. Under the title Death and Transfiguration, the principal work of Brahms, A German Requiem, is placed into the deft hands of Gábor Hollerung, a representative of the oratorio repertoire who is fully trained to carry out aesthetic surgery: there are numerous noteworthy details about the circumstances surrounding the origins and construction of the work. Rest assured that Gábor Hollerung, renowned both as conductor and lecturer, will bring everything into focus.


HUF 2.500, 1.800, 1.200