Ökrös Retrospective

2014. március 6. 19.00-22.00


Acoustic, Authentic

Ökrös Retrospective A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Ökrös Csaba (hegedű); Kelemen László (brácsa); Mester László (brácsa, gardon); Doór Róbert (bőgő); Berecz András (ének); Juhász Zoltán (furulya)

Rendező: Horváth Csaba
Incredible as it may seem, but the history of rediscovered folk music, revival, also produces its own legends. A few decades are sufficient for the history of an orchestra to be lost in the mists of subjective memory. The new generation take to the stage, a generation who only know the Ökrös ensemble second hand. The big steps in remembering are measured in decades. After all, it has been nearly 10 years since the members of Ökrös were scattered in all directions. And 20 years ago that the band made a recording in Hollywood at the request of Dave Feeney. Since the members of the defunct band have remained active in music life, the concert will not be a sentimental trip down memory lane but authentic, pure and vigorous folk music. The concert built on Transylvanian string music is picked from the earlier repertoire: the legendary ensemble get together again for a single evening and the past will be revived for a single concert.


HUF 1.900