Hungarian Radio Choir

2014. március 9. 19.30-22.00

Hungarian Radio Choir A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Éliás, op. 70

-;-Közreműködik: Hamvasi Szilvia (szoprán), Schöck Atala (alt), Kálmán László (tenor), Kovács István (basszus), MR Szimfonikusok
Old Testament prophet Elijah is the subject of this Romantic oratorio that Felix Mendelssohn – who had long been interested in this visionary destroyer of idols – composed for the Birmingham Festival. Elijah debuted in August 1846, just a year before the death of the composer. It was written in German but sung in English for its world premiere, and it reflects the oratorio traditions of both Bach and Händel. The “rapture”, the key moment in the story of the prophet Elijah, will this time be asserted in a different form, since this promises to be an intensely committed production from the ensembles of Hungarian Radio. It brings together such experienced Hungarian oratorio artists as Szilvia Hamvasi and bass István Kovács as soloists.


HUF 3.500, 2.800, 2.000, 1.500, Student and concession tickets: HUF 2 500, 2 000, 1 400, 1 000