Classicus Ensemble

2014. március 16. 19.00-21.00

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Classicus Ensemble A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja



Hegedű-zongora szonáta

Esz-dúr zongoranégyes, op. 81

-;-Fejérvári Zoltán (zongora); Tornyai Péter (hegedű, brácsa); Varga Oszkár (hegedű); Zétényi Tamás (cselló)
The new series of the Liszt Academy Concert Centre – conceived with the aim of establishing a tradition – offers the opportunity every semester for individual students or ensembles of the Liszt Academy to introduce themselves. In the third programme of the series the main role is given to the Classicus Ensemble. Zoltán Fejérvári, János Palojtay, Péter Tornyai and Tamás Zétényi met at the Liszt Academy during lessons given by Barnabás Dukay and Rita Wagner, as well as on courses run by Gábor Csalog and Balázs Arnóth. In 2009 they founded their own ensemble, exploiting their experience as members of the Ludium Ensemble, which specialized in the works of Kurtág. The ensemble constantly changes composition depending on engagements abroad and the given programme: for this recital Oszkár Varga (violin) joins them. The chamber recital of Czech composers’ works includes two Janáček compositions, which are particularly close to Zoltán Fejérvári, who arranged the evening’s programme.


HUF 1.200