Zugló Philharmonics Budapest

2014. március 29. 15.30-17.15

Zugló Philharmonics Budapest A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Két portré, op. 5 (BB 48b)

Dubrovay László
Csellóverseny (ősbemutató)


Stabat Mater

-;-Közreműködik: Rácz Rita (szoprán), Dóczi Áron (hegedű), Várdai István (cselló)

Zuglói Filharmónia – Szent István Király Szimfonikus Zenekar és Oratóriumkórus

Vezényel: Vashegyi György
It is rare indeed for György Vashegyi, a leading figure in early music, to conduct 20th century music, yet this world premiere is an exception. This time the superbly skilled István Várdai has also undertaken the debut of Cello Concerto by László Dubrovay, who was awarded a Kossuth Prize in 2013. Until tonight the music of Francis Poulenc has not appeared on the repertoire (numbering 100 composers) of Vashegyi. This is his chance to give his own interpretation of one of the finest ecclesiastical compositions of the 20th century while conducting the experienced Szent István Király Symphony Orchestra & Oratorio Chorus, which in the past few years has performed this remarkable, extremely personal and mystical work on several occasions. The concert opens with Two Portraits by Bartók, with concertmaster of the ensemble Áron Dóczi soloist for the opening movement expressed as a violin concerto.


HUF 2.100, 1.800, 1.500