Kobayashi Ken-Ichiro and MÁV Symphony Orchestra

2014. április 3. 19.00-22.00

Kobayashi Ken-Ichiro and MÁV Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

A sevillai borbély – Nyitány

Galántai táncok

Fantasztikus szimfónia

-;-Vezényel: Kobajasi Kenicsiró
When Kobayashi Ken-Ichiro won the first international conducting competition of the Hungarian Radio and Television in 1974, besides endearing himself to the general public a country learned to appreciate in an analytical way the performance of a conductor. It was immediately obvious that Kobayashi Ken-Ichiro was capable of conveying the emotional pulse of Romantic music and twists and turns of its mysterious tales in a remarkable manner. Even then it was possible to discern that he would conduct, for instance, Berlioz music as his own. This has proved to be true. Kobayashi has never concealed that he revels in the orchestral tones, living together and breathing with the rhythms.


HUF 4.000, 3.500, 3.000