Péter Kiss & Péter Szűcs

2014. április 4. 19.00-21.00

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Péter Kiss & Péter Szűcs A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Esz-dúr klarinétszonáta, op. 167

Esz-dúr klarinétszonáta, op. 120/2

Fantáziadarabok, op. 73

A boldog sziget

Rapszódia klarinétra és zongorára

-;-Kiss Péter (zongora); Szűcs Péter (klarinét)
This new Liszt Academy Concert Centre series has been devised in the ardent hope that it will become a tradition. Every six months it offers several Liszt Academy students or groups the opportunity to display their musical wares. The performers on this, the fourth such event, will be the established duo of Péter Kiss and Péter Szűcs. Both are consummate and profound artists and true spiritual descendants of Liszt, the eternal seeker of the new. Both are dedicated interpreters of contemporary music – they perform in a number of contemporary music ensembles – but today they are presenting works from the classical repertoire.


HUF 1.200