Szebényi Dániel Quintet feat. Károly Binder

2014. április 9. 19.00-22.00


Jazz it!

Szebényi Dániel Quintet feat. Károly Binder A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Modern Acoustic Jazz

-;-Közreműködik: Szebényi Dániel (zongora), Varga Gergő (szaxofon), Mike Gotthard (gitár), Kovács Dávid (basszusgitár), Laskay Péter (dobok)

Vendég: Binder Károly (zongora)
Once upon a time there was a small boy who started playing the piano, then he shifted over to the organ, and finally dedicated himself to jazz piano. It is not easy to imagine what may come next but Dániel Szebényi is almost certainly going to stay close to music since he showed himself to be a born artist from a very early age. Jazz exploded into his life a few years ago, studying jazz piano at the Liszt Academy. He could equally have decided to go with rock or metal because he worked in such bands from the age of 14. The Szebényi Dániel Quintet invited Károly Binder, head of the jazz department, to be guest soloist, although we don’t have to worry that the presence of ‘teacher’ will inhibit any of the ensemble. The fact is, everyone’s perfectly at home in modern acoustic jazz.


HUF 1.900