Kodály Philharmonia Debrecen

2014. április 12. 19.30-22.00

Kodály Philharmonia Debrecen A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

2. magyar rapszódia (S. 244/2)

Galántai táncok


Vajda János
Cantus Firmus – A megtartó ének (budapesti bemutató) (Ősbemutató: 2014. április 11., Debrecen)

-;-Balczó Péter (tenor); Bátki Fazekas Zoltán (bariton)

Lautitia Gyermekkar (karigazgató: Nemes József); Kodály Kórus Debrecen (karigazgató: Pad Zoltán); Kodály Filharmonikusok Debrecen

Vezényel: Somogyi-Tóth Dániel
In 2013 the Kodály Philharmonic Debrecen won the Ferenc Kölcsey bursary, which is awarded annually by the Debrecen city assembly for the premiere of a new work of music constructed in the traditions of the “Rome of Calvinism.” In 2014 it took the heritage of the 476-year-old Reformed College as its basis. The basic concept was to keep the alternative texts written to the melodies of the Reformed Song Book, which can be found in the archive of the Reformed College of Debrecen, thus retaining the original musical material with all its great traditions. This concept makes it a close relative of Carl Orff's celebrated Carmina Burana, putting Debrecen, the Calvinist musical tradition, as well as the Reformed College and its congregation, on the map. Kossuth Prize-winning composer and distinguished teacher at the Liszt Academy, János Vajda, one of the best known and most popular of living Hungarian composers, was commissioned to write the music. Vajda has strong ties with Debrecen: one of his most recent premieres took place at a concert celebrating the 150th anniversary of institutional music education in Debrecen, and he recently bequeathed his entire oeuvre to the Reformed College of Debrecen.


HUF 2.100, 1.800, 1.500