2014. április 13. 15.30-18.00
Solti terem
Gala Concert of the Fourth National Ede Zathureczky Commemorative Competition
A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja
Ede Zathuerczky (1903-1959) was a student of the legendary Hubay and is regarded as one of the finest violinists and most influent teachers of the 20th century. He was one of Bartók's chamber music partners and director of the Liszt Academy between 1943 and 1957, and many of his students became internationally renowned. From 1957 he taught as an émigré at Bloomington University in the USA, and like Bartók died unexpectedly in the New World. Initiated by the widow of Ede Zathureczky with the offer of the famous violinist’s Ruggieri violin and Sartory bow, an internal competition was founded within the Liszt Academy in 1984 in which only those violinists who received top marks from each examiner in their final examinations can enter. The competition is staged every four years and the winner of the first prize can use Zathureczky's own violin until the next competition. In 1998 Professor Emerita Eszter Perényi initiated the National Zathureczky competition for primary and secondary music school students and music university students, which is organized for four age groups and held every 5 years. This year winners in both competitions will receive their prizes at the joint gala concert held in the Solti Hall.
HUF 500