Péter Tornyai – A Composer's Evening

2014. április 22. 19.00-21.00

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Péter Tornyai – A Composer's Evening A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Tornyai Péter
...about time

Tornyai Péter
vonalak trapézban (ősbemutató)

Tornyai Péter
magányos hallucinációk

Tornyai Péter
Egy majdnem lakatlan szigeten (Bali szigetén?)


Tornyai Péter
4 Morpheusz-töredék (magyarországi bemutató)

Tornyai Péter
da camera (ősbemutató)

Tornyai Péter

-;-Bodrogi Éva (szoprán); Koltai Kata (gitár); Rohmann Ditta (cselló)

Szalai András (cimbalom)

Bársony Péter (brácsa)

Bali János (furulya)

Tornyai Péter (hegedű)

Bán Máté (fuvola); Koltai Kata (gitár); Kovács Balázs (harsona)

Szabad Hangok Énekegyüttes (művészeti vezető: Antal Laura)
Péter Tornyai has performed in numerous contemporary music ensembles as a violinist and violist. In 2013 he graduated from the composition faculty of the Liszt Academy, where he was a student of Zoltán Jeney. In 2011 he won the chamber music first prize awarded by the New Hungarian Music Forum and in 2013 he came second. In 2012 he won first prize at the Vienna Konzerthaus Towards the Next 100 Years composers' competition. “Composition is an inner need for me”, he said in an interview and, though when asked about what shaped his musical style he responded with two negatives (he is not interested in popular music influences or in post-modernist neo-romanticism), his music certainly has a positively elemental effect on both musicians and audiences.


1.200 Ft