Júlia Hajnóczy and Szabolcs Brickner

2014. április 23. 19.00-21.00


Song recitals in the Liszt Academy

Júlia Hajnóczy and Szabolcs Brickner A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

“Poets and Lovers”

A költő szerelme, op. 48

Hat ének, op. 107

Adelaide, op. 46

A vezeklés dala, op. 48/6

A csók, op. 128

A rémkirály (D. 328)

Dominick Argento
Hat Erzsébet-kori dal

-;-Hajnóczy Júlia (szoprán); Brickner Szabolcs (tenor); Bizják Dóra (zongora)
Júlia Hajnóczy and Szabolcs Brickner have partnered each other on stage as Juliet and Romeo in Gounod’s opera, Pamina and Tamino in Mozart’s Magic Flute, and Iluska and János vitéz in Pongrác Kacsóh’s play. They have not spoken about how much the fact that in real life they are a couple helps them to perform these particular stage productions. However, Szabolcs Brickner has said that “this is the most wonderful thing I can imagine. There is between us a special energy that others simply could not generate. When I perform with her the feelings do not have to be acted out but shown. Our work ethic is the same, we do everything seriously and immerse ourselves in everything.” Whether they will have a chance to do this in Beethoven’s arietta, The Kiss, is unknown as yet, but the magic word, ’kiss’, is certainly pronounced six times.


HUF 3.200, 2.100