Nikolai Lugansky

2014. május 12. 19.30-22.00

Nikolai Lugansky A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

MVM Concerts – The Piano

Prelúdium, korál és fúga, op. 18

B-dúr zongoraszonáta, op. 53

Prelűdök, op. 32

-;-Nyikolaj Luganszkij (zongora)
He started studying piano at the age of seven, but before this he had already caused considerable surprise when – in a dacha close to the family summer retreat – he played a Beethoven sonata from memory after hearing it just once. Later on he studied for nine years under legendary Tatiana Nikolayeva, at the age of 16 he won the most prestigious piano competition in the Soviet Union and brought back second prize from the Leipzig International Bach Competition, while in 1994, at the age of just 22, he triumphed at the International Tchaikovsky Competition. His repertoire includes more than 50 concertos and nearly as many all-evening recital programmes. Franck’s Prelude, Chorale and Fugue, his opening work in ‘The Piano’ concert series, will be one of the most important pieces for the French recording he is currently working on. This is followed by Prokofiev and Rachmaninov. There are very few pianists today who feel so at home in the oeuvres of these two Russian geniuses of the 20th century.


HUF 10.000, 8.000, 7.000, 5.000, 4.000