Brigham Young University Chamber Orchestra

2014. május 15. 19.30-22.00

Brigham Young University Chamber Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Az olasz nő Algírban – Nyitány

G-dúr zongoraverseny (K. 453)


Appalachian Spring (Tavasz az Appalache-hegységben)

-;-Közreműködik: Kemenes András (zongora)

Vezényel: Kory Katseanes
Brigham Young University, currently the largest religious university in the United States and the third largest private university in the country, was founded in 1875, the same year as the Liszt Academy. Supported by the Mormon Church, it comprises 34 000 students. The university is particularly proud of its musical life, the star of which is the university chamber orchestra, now visiting Budapest for the very first time. The orchestra and the university's music programme is directed by Kory Katseanes, who is of Greek decent. At this concert we hear him conducting two American and two European compositions, and the encounter between the old continent and the New World is symbolized in the first half by the appearance of the soloist in the Mozart piano concerto, the Liszt Academy teacher András Kemenes, who is famed for his profundity and sensitivity, though is someone who rarely plays in public.


HUF 1.200, 1.600, 2.000