Amadinda 30

2014. május 18. 19.30-22.00

Amadinda 30 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Holló Aurél-Váczi Zoltán
Hagyományok I. – A SIKERSZÁM… / beFORe JOHN7

Le tombeau de Couperin (Holló Aurél átirata)

George H. Green
Valse Brillante (Bob Becker átirata)

Steve Reich
Mallet Quartet


Holló Aurél
Gamelan-bound / beFORe JOHN2

Bob Becker
Unseen Child

Klasszikus örökzöldek az 1920-as évekből, Bob Becker átiratában (Whispering Medley, George H. Green: Alabama Moon, States Medley)

Jávai és balinéz tradicionális zene

Tradicionális zenék a közönség választása alapján

-;-Bob Becker (NEXUS, Kanada), Triginta Percussion (H. Magyar Kornél, Nyusztay Iván, Szabó Mátyás), Szalai Péter, Tömösközi László, Tóth Lajos

Amadinda Ütőegyüttes: Rácz Zoltán, Váczi Zoltán, Holló Aurél, Bojtos Károly
It is 30 years to the day that this four-member formation named after a Ugandan percussion instrument first appeared on the Hungarian music scene, and about whom it is possible to say that not only did they shake up Hungarian music life but they went on to write history. Or at least, it was written for them, since works by the likes of John Cage, György Ligeti and Steve Reich (and the list goes on) were penned specifically for them over the past decades. Just like their first concert and later ones, so too they will appear at the jubilee concert in the Grand Hall of the Liszt Academy with a varied programme of contemporary works, including a Reich composition written specially for them, their own classical transcriptions, traditional music and jazz arrangements. The festive mood will certainly enhance the energy of the ensemble, particularly considering the fantastic guest musicians they will perform with, among them the American percussionist and composer Bob Becker.


HUF 7.900, 6.500, 4.800