On The Spot – Composition Faculty I.

2014. május 22. 19.00-22.00

Solti terem

On The Spot – Composition Faculty I. A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Lustyik Ákos
A boldog herceg (zenés darab)

Mátyássy Szabolcs
A csalogány és a rózsa (kamaraopera egy felvonásban)

-;-Közreműködnek: a Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem IV. éves színészhallgatói és a Zeneakadémia kortárszenei együttese

Osztályvezető tanárok: Tallér Zsófia és Fekete Gyula (zeneszerzés); Forgács Péter, Hegedűs D. Géza, Marton László (színészosztály)
In 2011 the Liszt Academy began offering applied composition as a subject as part of its composition teaching for those students for whom composition is not only autonomous activity but a form of applied arts. Students can now study this subject at university level. Since one of the most important realms of applied composition is theatre and film, the Composition Faculty has forged a close relationship with the University of Theatre and Film Arts. The latest fruits of this collaboration can be seen over two evenings during the course of which musical theatre productions by students of the Composition Faculty are staged in the Solti Hall and performed by vocal and theatre students. On this the first evening, two Oscar Wilde adaptations are presented: Ákos Lustyik's musical theatre piece The Happy Prince and Szabolcs Mátyássy's chamber opera based on a libretto by Barnabás Szöllősi, The Nightingale and The Rose. For details of the second evening, see page 109.


Tickets are free and can be obtained from the ticket office in the Liszt Academy.