Muzsikás – St Ephraim Male Choir

2014. május 27. 19.30-22.00

Muzsikás – St Ephraim Male Choir A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

From Bartók to Bartók

Est (BB30)

Négy régi magyar népdal (BB 60)

Tót népdalok (BB 77)

Székely népdalok (BB 106)

Elmúlt időkből (BB 112)

Népzenék Bartók gyűjtéséből

-;-Muzsikás együttes: Sipos Mihály (hegedű, citera); Porteleki László (hegedű, koboz, tambura); Éri Péter (brácsa, mandolin, furulyák); Hamar Dániel (bőgő, gardon, dob)

Szent Efrém Férfikar: Viszló István, Varga Donát, Szabó Sebestyén, Gavodi Zoltán, Hajnal András, Nagy Bertalan, Szilágyi Attila, Bubnó Lőrinc (tenor); Philipp György, Pechan Kornél, Laborfalvi Soós Béla, Bubnó Márk (bariton); Domahidy László, Cser Péter, Silló György (basszus)

Vezényel: Bubnó Tamás
The primary objectives of the St Ephraim male choir are to present the vocal heritage of the Byzantine Christian world while, at the same time, nurture the tradition of the Hungarian male voice choir. At this joint concert with the Muzsikás folk group, they sing all of Bartók's works for male choir. Alongside these works the original folk material can be heard, a taste of the musical world which Bartók encountered on his folk music collecting trips and which serve as the melodic and structural basis for the majority of these vocal pieces. Muzsikás have been performing for forty years and have succeeded in getting Hungarian folk music accepted as a musical style and an independent genre comparable in status to others. They have also achieved tremendous success in presenting 20th century classical music and traditional music alongside each other. At this one concert we hear a repertoire for male voice that is representative of Bartók's great oeuvre with the folk music that was its source of inspiration.


HUF 3.900, 2.800, 1.700