In memoriam Ella Fitzgerald

2014. június 1. 19.00-22.00


Jazz it!

In memoriam Ella Fitzgerald A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Bazsinka Ágnes, Vers Dóra, Matisz Flóra, Máthé Evelyn, Fenyő Fruzsina (ének), Balogh Tamás (zongora), Gyányi Marcell (bőgő), Czirják Tamás (dob)

Vendég: Elek István (szaxofon)
The end-of-season concert by teachers and students promises to be a real treat this year because five young women, the most talented representatives of the up-coming generation, give an idea of what the future of jazz singing in Hungary may well sound like. Performers paying their respects to the art of the great Ella Fitzgerald have selected from the traditional repertoire, although the speciality is that the scoring has been done for this occasion. Ágnes Bazsinka can be considered a fully experienced performer, who finishes her second year at the Jazz Department. She has worked with a funk band and as one half of a duo, and in 2010 she won first prize at the 1st National Jazz Music Competition. Dóra Vers is a final-year student of jazz singing, and she can be called a genuine Ella fan because there is not one solo by the diva of jazz that she has not learned by heart. Second-year student Flóra Matisz has unique vocal characteristics and her musicality is strengthened by the fact that she has studied violin for several years. Evelyn Máthé also graduates next year having recently started her solo career; she has an overpowering, full-bodied voice many reckon could take her to the world of classical music. Fruzsina Fenyő can mainly be heard performing with her own sextet, where they occasionally drift from mainstream jazz into more popular sounds.


HUF 1900