The Marczibányi Square Kodály School diamond jubilee closing concert

2014. június 13. 16.00-18.30

The Marczibányi Square Kodály School diamond jubilee closing concert A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Sixty years ago in 1954 the Buda vocal music secondary school was founded, under the patronage of Zoltán Kodály. Originally located in Zsuzsanna Lórántffy Street, the school moved to its present site next to Marczibányi Square 15 years later. The institution has borne the name Kodály School since 1975. The school has remained a world sensation since its foundation and has been visited by the likes of Yehudi Menuhin, Pablo Casals, Dmitri Shostakovich and Benjamin Britten, all of whom left amazed. Graduates of the school include such illustrious names as Iván Fischer, Miklós Mohay, István Mártha, Miklós Spányi, János Vajda, Gábor Eckhardt, alongside a great many more notable musicians. Since 1960 the year-closing concert has by tradition taken place in the Liszt Academy Grand Hall. After a forced break due to the renovation work at the academy, the Hungarian Heritage Prize-winning institution now returns with its internationally acclaimed school choirs, the Junior Prima Girls Choir and the Bartók-Pésztory MR Childrens Choir, accompanied by instrumental competition winning soloists and other distinguished musicians and former students.


HUF 2.800, 2.200