Gala Concert of the Pablo Casals International Cello Competition

2014. szeptember 13. 19.30-22.00

Gala Concert of the Pablo Casals International Cello Competition A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Közreműködnek: a verseny díjazottjai

MR Szimfonikusok

Vezényel: Vajda Gergely
„The Grand Hall of the Music Academy was the venue for a sensational concert this evening. Pablo Casals, the world famous Spanish cellist, and Hungarian Tivadar Szántó were the sensational performers. Pablo Casals is new to us; this was his first performance in Budapest. He is short, balding and ordinary in appearance. Only in his deep-set eyes does something unusual burn. And when he draws the bow across the strings, then we know that this is the fire of genius that burns within him. There is astounding power, simplicity and truth in his playing.” Whether by the end of the 2014 Pablo Casals International Cello Competition we’ll be able to express ourselves in the same way as the writer Géza Csáth, who wrote about Casals’ debut in Budapest in 1910, is impossible to say. One thing is certain, however, and that is that the gala concert promises to be memorable for anyone interested in the future of classical music and the current field of cellists. The finest cellists are partnered by the Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio and János Kovács.


HUF 2 000, 3 000, 3 900