Zugló Philharmonics Budapest 60

2014. szeptember 14. 18.00-21.00

Zugló Philharmonics Budapest 60 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Ünnepi nyitány

Fantasztikus scherzo, op. 3

150. zsoltár (FWV 69)

R. Strauss

Galántai táncok

-;-Zuglói Filharmónia – Szent István Király Szimfonikus Zenekar és Oratóriumkórus (művészeti vezető: Záborszky Kálmán)

Vezényel: Záborszky Kálmán, Ménesi Gergely, Horváth Gábor
The ever-youthful Zugló Philharmonics Budapest celebrate the 60th anniversary of their foundation this year. Formed in 1954 by József Záborszky, today the renowned orchestra is headed by his son, Kálmán Záborszky. Their energy-packed concerts are always an experience, and the ensemble are an example of how a love of music and enthusiasm are capable of keeping initiatives alive over decades. All three conductors engaged with the ensembles of the Zugló Philharmonics Budapest (Kálmán Záborszky, Gergely Ménesi and Gábor Horváth) take part in the festive concert, while the programme features two Hungarian classics, Erkel’s Festive Overture and Kodály’s masterpiece Dances of Galanta, together with dazzling orchestral compositions by Stravinsky and Strauss, and an arrangement of César Franck’s uplifting choral work, Psalm 150.


HUF 1 900, 2 100, 2 500