Danubia Orchestra Óbuda

2014. szeptember 16. 19.30-22.00

Danubia Orchestra Óbuda A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Vásáry – Hell and Heaven

h-moll szonáta


-;-Balczó Péter (tenor); Honvéd Férfikar

Óbudai Danubia Zenekar

Vezényel: Vásáry Tamás
What does Liszt’s Faust Symphony have to do with the Sonata in B minor? This question was raised as far back as the 19th century: if Liszt has a Dante Sonata and Dante Symphony, why shouldn’t the Sonata in B minor be interpreted as a ‘twin’ of the Faust Symphony, that is, a ‘Faust Sonata’? After all the composition, which combines the four-movement sonata genre and the single-movement sonata, forms an expansive vision and brings out the same characters from the density of the various themes which also characterise the movements of Liszt’s Faust Symphony. Kossuth Prize laureate Tamás Vásáry draws out this musical and intellectual linkage, revealing in what ways heaven and hell (which play an important role in the Faust story) appear in the long-established genre of symphony and piano sonata.


HUF 2 700, 3 500, 4 200, 4 900