István Lajkó piano recital

2014. szeptember 22. 19.00-21.00

István Lajkó piano recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

DLA Doctoral Concert

Musica Ricercata

Hat bagatell, op. 126

Einojuhani Rautavaara
II. szonáta, op. 64 („A tűzbeszéd”)


Két poéma, op. 32

Két poéma, op. 63

fisz-moll zongoraverseny, op. 20

-;-Lajkó István (zongora)
István Lajkó is a Prima Junior laureate, he has won several major competitions, most recently first prize and another three prizes at the 2013 International Liszt-Bartók-Ligeti Piano Competition organized in Sofia. Yet these are the least important facts about him. What’s more important to know is that he is one of the most sensitive, intellectual pianists of his generation, a person who’s capable of revealing a new side to masterpieces performed a thousand times, but also one who considers it important to maintain a repertoire of more obscure and brand-new pieces. The first half of his DLA doctoral concert features Beethoven’s enigmatic late Bagatelles, György Ligeti’s Musica ricercata series composed in Budapest between 1951-1953, and distinguished Finnish composer Einojuhani Rautavaara’s Sonata No. 2 (1970) with energy worthy of its name (‘The Fire Sermon’). The second half of the concert is devoted to Alexander Scriabin. This singular genius is particularly important for István Lajkó, who wrote his doctoral thesis on Vladimir Sofronitsky, the greatest performer of Scriabin of the 20th century.


Free tickets for the concert can be requested from the ticket office of Liszt Academy