Vujicsics 40

2014. szeptember 30. 19.30-22.00

Acoustic, authentic

Vujicsics 40 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Vujicsics együttes: Borbély Mihály (fúvós hangszerek); Brczán Miroszláv (tambura); Eredics Áron (tambura); Eredics Gábor (tambura); Eredics Kálmán (bőgő); Szendrődi Ferenc (tambura); Vizeli Balázs (hegedű)

Vendég: Kelemen Barnabás, Kokas Katalin (hegedű) és a Söndörgő együttes: Buzás Attila (nagybőgő, tamburabőgő, litárka); Eredics Áron (prímtambura); Eredics Benjámin (brácsatambura); Eredics Dávid (furulya, szaxofon, tambura); Eredics Salamon (harmonika, tambura)

Házigazda: Batta András
Tihamér Vujicsics – composer, music ethnographer and one-man national institution, sparkling eyed, Bohemian big-hearted magician of music – was born into a Serbian family in Pomáz 85 years ago. His folk music achievements are carried forward by the popular Vujicsics band formed 40 years ago. Not merely an ensemble, Vujicsics are also a creative and educational workshop, and they play an important role in preserving the musical consciousness of Serbian and Croatian communities in Hungary. Members of the ensemble are woven into the fabric of primary, intermediate and advanced-level music teaching in Hungary and they have multiple associations with the Liszt Academy, too. Their celebratory concert is based on the Serbian collections of Béla Bartók, and they intend to draw attention to the connections between classical and folk traditions. They are assisted in this by the Kokas-Kelemen violinist couple and musicologist András Batta, as well as the sensational Söndörgő ensemble.


HUF 1 900, 3 100, 4 300, 5 400