The Piano

2014. október 5. 11.00-13.00

Solti terem

Liszt Kidz Academy

The Piano A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

For 10-15 years olds

-;-Fülei Balázs, Oláh Kálmán (zongora)

Mesélő: Fülei Balázs
What use is a black box on several legs, with 88 ivory keys, the same number of strings and tiny hammers, not to mention a huge soundboard (called a piano, for short)? It’s pretty good for holding a vase of flowers and underneath it makes an excellent bunker, but we are now interested in its role in music. The series Liszt Kidz Academy for 10-15-year-old schoolkids (as well as parents, grandparents and great grandparents) not only reveals the workings of the piano but also how they use or used the instrument in classical music and jazz. Two teachers of the Liszt Academy, Junior Prima winner Balázs Fülei, and Liszt Prize winner Kálmán Oláh, showcase their favourite instrument.


HUF 1 600