Sounds of Sapporo

2014. október 18. 19.30-21.30

Solti terem

CAFe Budapest – Contemporary Music Festival

Sounds of Sapporo A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

An Evening of Contemporary Japanese Music

Takemitsu Toru

Shiomi Mieko
Irányzene egy zongoristára

Hoshiya Takeo
Hárfára és hegedűre

Yagi Kozo
Ellenállás fuvolára és zongorára


Minami Satoshi
A dalok mögül

Takemitsu Toru

-;-Asai Ryoko, Sato Yukie (fuvola)

Matsunaga Kayako (zongora)

Hayashi Hikaru (hegedű); Razvaljajeva Anasztázia (hárfa)

Takadono Yuki (fuvola), Matsuda Akane (zongora)

Ittetsu Kumiko (szoprán); Hamashima Yasuko (hegedű); Balázs István (cselló); Razvaljajeva Anasztázia (hárfa); Tanimoto Satoko (zongora)

Vezényel: Hoshiya Takeo

Ittetsu Kumiko, Kawasaki Wakako (szoprán); Amagai Hisako, Ibaraki Shigeko (alt); Nakahara Toshiaki (bariton); Matsuda Akane (zongora)
Liszt Academy's relationships with Japan are very wide-ranging: for decades, Japanese students have been studying at the Academy and its teachers regularly work at Japanese universities. The institution nurtures a particularly close relationship with the city of Sapporo and the Otani University, and it is through this joint collaboration that this concert has been staged as part of the CAFe Budapest Contemporary Music Festival, offering a cross-section from Japan's contemporary music production. Chamber works and songs feature on the concert programme while the performers are students and teachers, both Hungarian and Japanese (members of the Sapporo Philharmonic Society).


Free tickets for the concert can be requested from the ticket office of Liszt Academy