2014. október 21. 19.30-22.00

Festive Concert Marking the 70th Birthday of Pianist Gyula Kiss A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Arabeske, op. 18

B-dúr zongoratrió (D. 898)


B-dúr zongoraszonáta (D. 960)

-;-Kiss Gyula (zongora)

Közreműködik: Faludi Judit (cselló), Szabadi Vilmos (hegedű)
Gyula Kiss is professor of chamber music at the Liszt Academy and teacher of piano at the Weiner Leó Secondary School of Music. In a career spanning close on five decades, the 70-year-old Liszt Prize pianist has travelled to many countries as performer and teacher. He worked in Japan as guest professor at the Musashino University of Arts in the second half of the 1980s, and then in South Korea around the turn of the millennium. His artistic and pedagogical work includes more than ten albums, countless radio and television recordings, and prize-winning students. He performs Schumann’s Arabesques, Schubert’s final piano sonata and the pinnacle of the chamber music repertoire, Schubert’s trio in B flat major, in the company of Judit Faludi and Vilmos Szabadi.


HUF 3 900, 4 900, 7 900, 14 000