Budapest Festival Orchestra

2014. november 3. 19.45-22.00

Budapest Festival Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Baroque Recital

Esz-dúr concerto grosso, op. 7/6 („Ariadné panasza”)

e-moll kettősverseny furulyára és fuvolára (TWV 52:e1)

D-dúr hegedűverseny, op. 10/3

Apollón és Daphné (HWV 122)

-;-Anna Lucia Richter (szoprán); Nathan Berg (bariton); Stephanie-Marie Degand (hegedű); Anneke Boeke (furulya); Sigrid T’Hooft (barokk gesztika)

Budapesti Fesztiválzenekar

Vezényel: Jonathan Cohen
Anyone who tracks the career of Iván Fischer will not be surprised to hear that the Budapest Festival Orchestra was the first symphony orchestra in Hungary to form an early music ensemble. Iván Fischer studied under one of the most important figures of early music performance practice, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, and became the master’s assistant, and he even played viola da gamba in various chamber ensembles. For this occasion the historical ensemble of the Budapest Festival Orchestra under second conductor of Les Arts Florissants, Jonathan Cohen, present three Baroque concertos and an exciting Händel chamber cantata, Apollo and Daphne, that can almost be considered a mini opera. The interesting feature of the latter – besides the appearance of two internationally-recognized singers – is that the leading expert on Baroque stage gesture, Sigrid T’Hooft, took part in the preparation of this production, so that through the historical reconstruction of the gestures of performers the production will be all the more dramatic and authentic.


HUF 2 500, 3 500, 4 400, 6 300, 10 500