Kátya Tompos & Góbé Band

2014. november 21. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Acoustic, authentic

Kátya Tompos & Góbé Band A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Vendég: Tompos Kátya (ének)

Góbé Zenekar: Kiss B. Ádám (hegedű, brácsa); Vizeli Máté (hegedű, brácsák, gitár, koboz); Egervári Mátyás (cimbalom, dudák, furulyák, tambura, ütősök); Csasznyi Imre (tambura, brácsa); Timár Márton (nagybőgő)
True to their name (Góbé translates roughly as wily highlander), the young musicians gathered from different parts of the Carpathian Basin craftily combine various styles. They founded Góbé Band in 2007 during their time at conservatory. Their art has deep roots in folk, but they are open to music from all over the world. They appeared in Fonó, in the Utolsó Óra (Final Hour) dance house, before finding a home in Szimplakert. In 2011 they won the 1st Talentométer talent contest in the folk music/world music category, and their first recording was released the following year. They are equally happy playing children’s programmes, in dance houses or major concerts. They have performed together with László Porteleki (Muzsikás) and János Csík (Csík Orchestra). This time their partner is the enthralling actress-singer Kátya Tompos. The functioning of the Góbé Band is a fine example of what Kodály once said: “The world is increasingly open, and art confined to a single people has gradually lost its relevance. We are closer to a realization of world music than world literature as conceived of by Goethe.”


HUF 2 100, 3 200