MR Children’s Choir Christmas Concert

2014. december 20. 16.00-18.00

MR Children’s Choir Christmas Concert A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Betlehemes népi játékok, európai, elsősorban magyar szerzők kórusművei, szóló hangszeres darabok.

-;-Arany Zsuzsanna (zongora)

MR Gyermekkórus

Vezényel: Matos László, Kabdebó Sándor, Brebovszky Klára
Awaiting the coming of Christmas with the Hungarian Radio Children’s Choir. There could be no better programme than this for the final weekend of Advent, because just to listen to this legendary, long-established and, of course, constantly renewed ensemble is in itself an uplifting, celebratory event. In the sixty years since their foundation in 1954 by Valéria Botka and László Csányi, the choir – hallmarked by adult-like discipline yet child-like clarity of voice – have travelled the world, proving their greatness as much through participation in contemporary premieres of works as in recitals of Gregorian or Renaissance works. The Christmas programme not only includes nativity folk plays but vocal compositions by Hungarian and other European authors. And their voices will resound through the hall since anyone who has heard the Hungarian Radio Children’s Choir knows that their sound has maintained its elemental force and authenticity even over many generations. This is due in large part to Gabriella Thész, who oversaw the ensemble for so many years and truly shaped its personality, as well as the current conductors of the choir, László Matos and Sándor Kabdebó, who have followed in her footsteps.


HUF 2 000, 3 000, 4 000, Students and concessions: HUF 1 400, 2 100, 2 800