Beyond Music...

2015. január 12. 19.30-22.00

Beyond Music... A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Tamás Vásáry Musical Conversations

Schubert művei II.

-;-Hajnóczy Júlia (szoprán); Brickner Szabolcs (tenor); Grósz Zsuzsanna (zongora)

MR Szimfonikusok

Vezényel, zongorán közreműködik és a műveket bemutatja: Vásáry Tamás
Tamás Vásáry plays piano, conducts and talks about music. Anyone who has enjoyed such an event will know that it is far from easy to decide which the greatest and most fundamental experience is. On this occasion the Kossuth Prize-winning artist recalls Franz Schubert, the ill-fated composer who simply overflowed with masterpieces, writing more than 1000 compositions in 16 years. He was the innovator of the song genre, a person not understood by Goethe but who understood Goethe’s poetry more profoundly than any of his contemporaries; the great composer of symphonies who felt that he could not follow in Beethoven’s footsteps and thus sought new ways to provide inspiration for the next generation of Schumann and Mendelssohn. Naturally, Tamás Vásáry conjures up the principle figure of convivial Schubertiadens, a person who remained lonely even in the midst of busy social gatherings and who did not believe that there was such a thing as cheerful music.


HUF 2 000, 3 000, 4 000