Miskolc Symphony Orchestra

2015. január 29. 19.30-22.00

Miskolc Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja



-;-Németh Judit (mezzoszoprán), Fekete Attila (tenor)

Közreműködik : Nyíregyházi Cantemus Kórus

Miskolci Szimfonikus Zenekar

Vezényel: Gál Tamás
Two masterpieces of 19th-century Romanticism are performed by the Miskolc Symphony Orchestra, which has functioned as a professional ensemble for more than 25 years. They perform under the baton of Tamás Gál, appointed artistic director in 2014. The two works are rarely presented together in a single concert, even though the praise of womanhood is the central theme of both. Mathilde Wesendonck, the inspiration behind the opera Tristan and Isolde and the great love of the youthful composer’s life, wrote the poems that went to make up Richard Wagner’s characteristic songs and which are perhaps unique in the history of music. Judit Németh sings the five orchestral songs; she launched her career in Miskolc and has appeared on numerous occasions at the Bayreuth Festival, which is dedicated to the music of Wagner. She is thus intimate with, and a great exponent of, Wagner’s style. The grandiose Liszt symphony, which combines Goethe drama with the mystery of music, is a genuine masterwork and a triumph of the creative spirit. One of the most sought-after Hungarian tenors, Attila Fekete, sings in the finale: “All of the transient, / Is parable, only: / The insufficient, / Here, grows to reality: / The indescribable, / Here, is done: / Woman, eternal, / Beckons us on.” Kossuth Prize-holder Dénes Szabó leads the male voice choir of the world-famous chorus, winners of numerous competitions, in the recital of the cathartic, heavenly apotheosis.


HUF 2 900, 3 900