MÁV Symphony Orchestra

2015. január 30. 19.00-21.30

MÁV Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Carnival Concert

Ökör a háztetőn

Pavane egy infánsnő halálára

Thais - Meditation – hegedűre és zenekarra

Párizsi vidámságok – részletek

Denevér nyitány

Szerelmi öröm, Szerelmi bánat, A szép Rosmarin


-;-Vezényel és hegedűn közreműködik: Csaba Péter
What are an ox and a bat doing at a concert? Is gaiety or a meditative mood more typical of Paris? Can love’s joy exist without love’s sorrow? The carnival concert of the MÁV Symphony Orchestra takes up these and similar questions in a selection of works by French and Austrian composers: Milhaud, Ravel, Massenet, Offenbach, Johann Strauss and Kreisler. The cheerful, vivacious mood of the evening is created by the scandalously surrealistic work The Ox on the Roof by Milhaud, with its Latin musical beat and French-like daring harmonies. Although Die Fledermaus by Strauss is set at New Year, the masked ball which defines the character of the overture, as well as the intricate tangles characteristic of opera scenarios, are identifiable with the genre of carnival. Kreisler frequently wrote works under the names Tartini and Vivaldi (perhaps as a sort of carnival joke), but in the current concert he is present under his real name. The violin part of Schön Rosmarin by the composer, who became world famous as a violin virtuoso, is played by none other than Péter Csaba, conductor of the concert and also a respected violinist.


HUF 3000, 3500, 4000