In Medias Brass Quintet

2015. február 14. 20.00-22.00

Solti terem

In Medias Brass Quintet A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Rövid, frappáns, 20. századi zenei miniatűrök párhuzamba állítása Örkény Egypercesekkel

Szatirikus táncok

Dubrovay László
Quintet Nr. 3.

Szokolay Sándor
Három tréfás miniatűr – rézfúvósötösre, op. 90

Dance Suite

Anthony Plog
Négy vázlat rézfúvós kvintettre – II. tétel

-;-Kresz Richárd, Nagy Antal Endre (trombita); Benyus János (kürt); Sztán Attila (harsona); ifj. Bazsinka József (tuba)

Közreműködik : Kautzky Armand
In 2010, the very year of their foundation, In Medias Brass carried home every possible prize on offer from the South Korean Jeju International Brass Competition. Since this time they have gone on to win many more first and grand prizes, most recently in 2013 at the Calvin Smith Competition in Knoxville, USA. The ensemble comprises former students of the Liszt Academy, all of whom play the brass repertoire – as well as many other things in the form of arrangements – with breathtaking virtuosity and lightness of touch. Their Liszt Academy appearance sees them insert catchy 20th-century musical miniatures alongside one-minute novellas by István Örkény, which here are read by Armand Kautzky. Pál Göttinger, Junior Prima Prize director, oversees the literary-music extravaganza.


HUF 1 200, 1 900