Sándor Balassa composer’s recital

2015. február 16. 19.30-22.00

Sándor Balassa composer’s recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

„Még egy csokrot”, op. 122

Két zongoradarab, op. 137

Fantázia zongorára, op. 97

Fantázia hárfára és vonószenekarra, op. 76

IV. vonósnégyes, op. 135 (ősbemutató)

Bölcskei concerto, op. 49

-;-Vigh Andrea (hárfa); Falvai Sándor (zongora); Bánfalvi Zoltán, Matuska Réka, Szecsődi Ferenc, Farkas Erzsébet (hegedű); Fülöp Levente (brácsa); ifj. Bánfalvi Béla, Kőrösi Györgyi (cselló)

Új Magyar Kamarazenekar (művészeti vezető: Bánfalvi Béla)

Vezényel: Kovács Zoltán
This concert, which hails Sándor Balassa on the occasion of his 80th birthday, showcases the second half – dating from the early 1990s to the present day – of the extremely rich and varied oeuvre of the composer: the recently completed String Quartet No. 4 is a world premiere. Balassa entered this composition into the works catalogue as opus 135 not at all bothered by the shadow cast by Beethoven’s similarly numbered opus, the last he completed, a string quartet (in F major) raising the drama of human existence into the sublime. Of the composer’s exquisite chamber compositions from the past few years, which are deeply imbued with playfulness, wrote one critic: “There is something essential without the strident rhetoric of coming to the essence. Essential, pure musically expressed works.” It is rare to find on the programme of a concert hall, and quite exceptional in a concert compiled from works by a contemporary composer, the genre of harp concerto. “I was always attracted to the sound of the harp,” the composer confessed. “It is a special phenomenon in modern-day music. Composers discovered in Romanticism and works born in the early 20th century a natural way of playing the harp which allows artists to perform with virtuosity, in a refined way and still – given the characteristics of the instrument – sublimely. I hoped that one day I, too, would find my own harp sound.”


HUF 1 200, 1 700, 2 800, 3 900