István Pál Szalonna and his Band

2015. február 19. 19.30-22.00

Acoustic, authentic

István Pál Szalonna and his Band A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Pál István Szalonna és Bandája -- Pál Eszter (ének); Pál István „Szalonna” (hegedű); Gombai Tamás (hegedű); Karacs Gyula (brácsa); Ürmös Sándor (cimbalom); Gera Attila (fúvós hangszerek); Doór Róbert (bőgő)

Hagyományörző prímások Erdélyből és Magyarországról

Táncosok: Fitos Dezső, Kocsis Enikő (Fitos Dezső társulat), Fundák Kristóf, Kaszai Lili (Fölszállott a páva győztesei), Kökény Richárd, Bakos Gabriella (Magyar Állami Népi Együttes)

Vendégzenészek: Czébely Beáta, Pál Katalin, Ötvös Sándor, Pál Lajos, Kelemen László
Szalonna és bandája – as the band are known among folk music circles – celebrate the 10th anniversary of their formation with an ambitious programme. The formation, which came about as accompanists for the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, pull together their two-act session around three important concepts. One is the inseparable link between folk dance and folk music. During the performance both professional and amateur dancers show off their skills. The second concept can be summarized as ‘masters and role models’. As isolated village communities are declining, so we must bid farewell to an increasing number of musician personalities who have grown up in a traditional environment. Perhaps Szalonna’s generation is the last that can nurture live contacts with such musicians. Guests come from Transylvania and Rábaköz: István ‘Kiscsipás’ Varga, Florin Kodoba, István ‘Dumnezu’ Jámbor and Zoltán Greznár. The third important reflection is the family, which binds the two previous areas and serves as a strong background and motivation. Parents and siblings make music together as a 21st century paraphrase of the old practice of the passing-on of traditions. No doubt the small boy from the Sub-Carpathians watching lead violinists with sparkling eyes has come a long way, as the title of the concert suggests. But it is also clear that the road has not ended. We look forward to the continuation. Happy birthday!


HUF 1 400, 2 100, 3 500, 4 900