Hungarian National Philharmonic

2015. február 25. 19.30-22.00

Hungarian National Philharmonic A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Don Giovanni - nyitány

D-dúr szimfónia, No. 104

c-moll mise, K. 427

-;-Közreműködik : Hajnóczy Júlia (szoprán), Halmai Katalin (mezzoszoprán), Brickner Szabolcs (tenor), Cser Krisztián (basszus)

Nemzeti Énekkar (karigazgató: Antal Mátyás)

Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar

Vezényel: Vásáry Tamás
Mozart has been a constant companion of Tamás Vásáry. At the tender age of eight he played one of the piano concertos of the Salzburg-Vienna master; later he performed (with Annie Fischer) a Mozart concerto for two pianos, and he has conducted Mozart operas at the Aldeburgh Festival, London and Cambridge – as well as the opera of operas, Don Giovanni, in Seville, where the opera is set. He himself has said that if he were to be stranded on a desert island, he would take Mozart operas with him. This time the world famous pianist-conductor (who studied under a student of Árpád Szendy, so on this basis he could even be considered the great-grandson of Liszt himself) conducts works by the greats of the First Viennese School at the head of the Hungarian National Philharmonic. Following the overture and Haydn’s final symphony composed for London, the second half of the concert is devoted to Mozart’s unfinished, grandiose work. The Mass in C minor reveals the composer’s most profound music in this a performance featuring the best oratorio singers of the day and a chorus under the direction of 25-year-old Mátyás Antal.


HUF 3 000, 4 500, 6 000