Zugló Philharmonics Budapest

2015. március 3. 19.30-22.00

Zugló Philharmonics Budapest A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Zadok the Priest HWV 258

Missa Brevis

Arvo Pärt
Te Deum

-;-Szemere Zita, Vámosi Katalin, Sapszon Orsolya (szoprán); Vörös Szilvia (alt); Balczó Péter (tenor); Jekl László (basszus)

Kodály Zoltán Magyar Kórusiskola Cantate Vegyeskara (karigazgató: Sapszon Ferenc), Gemma Énekegyüttes (művészeti vezető: Tóth Márton)

Zuglói Filharmónia

Vezényel: Sapszon Ferenc
The Choral School, founded by Ferenc Sapszon, combines the music pedagogy of Zoltán Kodály and the traditions of western European cathedral choral schools in a totally unique way. The opening work in this concert by the mixed choir of the school and the Zugló Philharmonics Budapest is a celebratory piece by Händel, composed in 1727 for the coronation of King George II. This is followed by Kodály’s intimate and solemn Missa brevis, which is considered the apotheosis of the composer’s ecclesiastical works. Low Mass was composed by Kodály on a church harmonium in Galyatető and then reworked into the form we know today at the end of 1944 and beginning of 1945 in the cellar of a priory during the siege of Budapest and while in hiding in the Opera House. The closing Te Deum is a perfect example of the compositional style of contemporary Estonian composer Arvo Pärt, which has become known as tintinnabuli from the Latin for ‘bells’. The diaphanous, angelic harmonies of the work, written in 1984, break from the usual traditions of composed Western music to create a tonal experience that is unique and bears no comparison with any other music. Ferenc Sapszon, holder of the Hungarian Heritage Award, conducts the Cantate Mixed Choir of the Choral School, an ensemble that has achieved great results at international competitions, the Gemma Vocal Ensemble and Zugló Philharmonics Budapest.


HUF 1 900, 2 100, 2 500