MÁV Symphony Orchestra

2015. március 13. 19.00-21.30

MÁV Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

A tékozló fiú

VI. szimfónia (Simfonia Tenebrosa)

-;-Molnár Ágnes (szoprán); Balczó Péter (tenor); Cseh Antal (bariton)

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar

Vezényel: Kesselyák Gergely
Gergely Kesselyák delights in presenting to domestic audiences works by undiscovered composers or forgotten, rarely performed works by famous masters. This time the shooting star of the young conductor generation brings us into contact with contemporary Russian composer Alexey Rybnikov. A student of Khachaturian, Rybnikov (born in 1945) is an unusually multifaceted composer who is equally at home in the world of opera or film music as he is in instrumental genres ranked as the classics. Indeed, he is associated with the first Russian rock operas. Simfonia Tenebrosa is set over four movements and follows the appearance of evil and the battle between lightness and dark in the world. In the first half the MÁV Symphony Orchestra interpret Debussy’s cantata (or as he called it, a ‘scène lyrique’) on the prodigal son. Ágnes Molnár, Tibor Szappanos and Antal Cseh take the solo roles in the work on the popular parable in dramatized form.


HUF 3.000, 3.500, 4.000